I grade my reviews on a five flame scale:

  • 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 = fire

  • 🔥🔥🔥🔥 = pretty good

  • 🔥🔥🔥 = okay

  • 🔥🔥 = pretty bad

  • 🔥 = hot garbage

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The Marriage Plot

The Marriage Plot

Dear Mr. Eugenides,

I’m writing to confirm that The Marriage Plot is a joke. It is a joke, right? One can only assume that you exhausted all of your creative juices on Middlesex and simply had nothing left to give. I can never recover the time I spent reading this 400-page monstrosity. Be forewarned, however, that I will be suing you for the $4.00 I used to buy the book on Amazon.

Simply put: the story is not worth telling. There are three main characters trapped in a sickening love triangle. Madeline, the woman of mutual desire, is incredibly selfish and so boring that I actually feel burdened when her name is mentioned. To clarify, she is not boring because she is a spoiled, well-educated rich girl. She is boring because she is simple-minded…and she happens to also be a spoiled, well-educated rich girl. For instance, she has a self-imposed rule to never date guys who go to shrinks because she can’t really wrap her mind around the idea of having emotional issues that run deeper than “why hasn’t he called me back yet?” Mr. Eugenides, I’m not sure how much you know about women, but I can assure you that we’re not all sitting in our beds at night, plucking at flower petals and sullenly murmuring, “He loves me… he loves me not.” Instead, I’m currently eating dry Cinnamon Toast Crunch out of the box, listening to Drake rap about how he came through on his Wu-Tang, and trying to figure out why my “I mustache you what time it is” clock won’t properly display the time. I may not be an entirely complex person 24/7 but I am also not pining over men every second of every day and it’s frankly embarrassing that you would reduce the main character to such constant triviality. I understand that these people exist but I sure as hell don’t want to read about them.

This is how I feel about people like Madeline:

Why would you choose such uninteresting characters for the crux of your novel?! I rue all of the wasted potential. You begin the book with the following quote from Francois de La Rochefoucauld: “People would never fall in love if they hadn’t heard love talked about” (Eugenides, 1). This is a good start; you really had something here that you could run with. It challenges readers—is love merely a social construction? Is love just a mental state that can be manipulated as such? Can you overcome predictability and express a purely original thought? Is newness even a possibility in this day and age? Are we capable of loving people in ways that don’t feel like we’re acting from a script? Your novel, to my dismay, gave very half-ass answers to these questions.

As a whole, I am thankful that I read this insofar as I can (hopefully) prevent others from making the same mistake. A fellow Goodreads reviewer properly renamed the novel The Marriage Plop. Your characters are flawed in ways that typically make for appealing literature. Unfortunately, they had very little actual substance and I grew weary of crossing my fingers that each subsequent chapter would offer me deeper insights. Usually, even if I am uninterested and uninvested in a book’s plot, I can still appreciate the writing style. Not in this case. I give this book 1 out of 5 flames because the fact of the matter is that I would not recommend this to anyone. Its only redeeming quality is its infrequent racy sex scenes. If I’m looking to blush on the subway, there are millions of other methods I would prefer.


A Regretful Reader

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Not That Kind of Girl

Not That Kind of Girl

Cat's Cradle

Cat's Cradle