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  • 🔥🔥🔥🔥 = pretty good

  • 🔥🔥🔥 = okay

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Like You'd Understand, Anyway

Like You'd Understand, Anyway

Like You’d Understand, Anyway is a petty title and, in a petty mood, I gladly picked it off the shelf. I recognized Jim Shepard’s name from his standout short story in The Best American Short Stories 2013. I still wish it was Shepherd, but I’ll allow it.

Like You’d Understand, Anyway is a collection of 11 short stories that each draw from a deep well of strained familial relations, namely brother-to-brother. Naturally, Shepard dedicated the book to his real-life brother. The context of his work creates an atmosphere of intimacy as if I’m reading a diary or sitting at their family dinner table watching them argue over who gets to sit next to dad.

A word to the wise: Shepard is a poetic craftsman of words, but his stories are designed to bring about discomfort. One story literally says, “All day, every day, I’m sad” (Shepard, 30). Furthermore, he moves and grooves alllll over the map. His characters span a wide range of centuries and nationalities, and most of his stories clearly required factual research (like the Chernobyl disaster and exploration of the Great Australian Desert). One story features a high school football player who is haunted by the disappearance of his father, such that it undermines his playing. Another follows a couple of Nazis who go on a deadly, classified mission for the abominable snowman. Another trails a husband, plagued by an early childhood trauma, who hides a big secret from his wife. Another highlights an executioner during the French Revolution tasked with the guillotining of the King and Queen, despite his wife’s reservations. You know, happy stuff! Most of his stories don’t provide a definitive end for the reader, but such is life.

I stand by my first impression of Shepard, in which he stopped me in my tracks. Also, the pages of his short story collection are cool! They’re *deckle-edged*, which is a term I just learned by Googling! Like You’d Understand, Anyway receives 4 out of 5 flames.

Like short stories as much as me? Check out my past reviews of other short stories: Men Without Women, In the Valley of the Kings, Interpreter of Maladies, Everything That Rises Must Converge, and Words Without Borders: The World through the Eyes of Writers.

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Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies

Rules of Civility

Rules of Civility